Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

If you’re suffering from yellowed or discolored teeth, it’s possible that you may have tried teeth whitening procedures. However, teeth whitening can only remove surface stains and not intrinsic stains.

It’s also possible that you’re not happy with the general appearance of your teeth, perhaps because they’re chipped, misaligned, broken, or a number of other reasons. With dental veneers, you can completely transform the external appearance of your teeth at once. Please continue reading for a detailed discussion of what are dental veneers, types of dental veneers, and the dental veneers procedure.

What are Dental Veneers Houston, TX

Dental veneers are slivers or tooth-colored and tooth-shaped materials that are attached to the surface of your teeth to hide your original teeth and enhance their cosmetic appearance. In most cases, attaching a dental veneer means the dentist has to shave off a few millimeters from your enamel, which makes dental veneers a permanent procedure.

Dental veneers may be useful for the following reasons:

  • Enhancing the aesthetic appearance of your teeth if they’re discolored or yellowed intrinsically.
  • Transforming the appearance of chipped, broken, or misaligned teeth.
  • Fixing the gaps between teeth.
  • Providing perfect alignment between the teeth.

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Types of Dental Veneers

The following are some of the primary types of dental veneers based on material and type of attachment.

Porcelain Veneers Houston

Porcelain veneers are dental veneers made of porcelain material. These are the most popular types of dental veneers because they resemble actual teeth, are extremely strong, and they don’t chip or break easily.

Composite Resin Veneers Houston

Composite resin veneers are dental veneers made of composite resin material. These are also tooth-colored, but they’re weaker than porcelain so they may chip and break more easily upon impact.


Lumineers are one of the best dental veneers available on the market. A lot of people don’t like the idea of getting dental veneers because it’s a permanent procedure and your original teeth have to be altered to accommodate them. However, Lumineers are extremely thin veneers measuring only 2 millimeters. As such, they can simply be attached to your tooth face without having to make any adjustments or alterations to your actual teeth. This makes Lumineers a far more effective and attractive alternative to traditional dental veneers.

One of the Best Dental Veneers Houston, TX

Dental Veneers Procedure

The dental veneers procedure is fairly simple. The following is a detailed overview of the traditional dental veneers procedure.


The first step in the dental veneers procedure is to discuss your issues and expectations with your dentist. You’ll have to give you dentist an honest overview of your medical history and current expectations. Based on that, they’ll decide if dental veneers are suitable for you, and, if so, then which type of dental veneers. The dentist will also take an impression of your teeth on a dental mold and an x-ray to make the perfect veneers.


The dentist will have to shave some of the enamel off your teeth so that the dental veneers can be attached to your tooth face. They’ll need to shave approximately 0.5 millimeters from your teeth, though this may differ for different sets of teeth. The dentist will also apply an anesthetic gel around your mouth so you don’t feel anything. After preparing your teeth, the dentist will place temporary dental veneers to protect your teeth while the dental veneers are prepared. This entire procedure, however, is only necessary for traditional dental veneers and not for Lumineers.


Once the dental veneers are prepared, the dentist will place it over your teeth to ensure that it’s the correct shape, shade, and size. The dentist will also polish and clean your teeth so that it can receive the permanent veneers. Once the permanent dental veneers are in place, the dentist will use a special light and cement to fix them in place permanently.

Implant-Supported Dental Bridges

Dental implants are the strongest and most natural way of replacing missing teeth. In this case, a metal framework or post is drilled into the jawbone of the missing socket. If you’re missing several teeth, then several implants will have to be attached. The dental bridge will then simply be placed over the implant posts. The resultant teeth will be extremely strong and they’ll look and feel like real teeth. This whole procedure may take several weeks as the dentist will have to prepare your mouth to accept the dental implants, then place the posts, allow some recovery time, then design the dental bridge and place them.

Pros and Cons of Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are one of the most reasonable methods to enhance the overall aesthetics of your teeth. The following is a brief description of the pros and cons of dental veneers so you can make the right decision.

 Pros of Dental Veneers

  • Over the years, your teeth may get stained due to various factors like drinking certain beverages, smoking, poor oral hygiene, and various others. Teeth whitening and bleaching can remove these surface stains but not intrinsic stains. If you want to completely whiten your teeth immediately, then you should get dental veneers. Furthermore, veneers are stain-resistant so you don’t even have to worry about discoloration.
  • It’s possible that you suffer from various orthodontic issues like misaligned teeth, crooked teeth, broken or chipped teeth, and various others. Fixing all of these issues requires a wide range of different treatments, which can be extremely expensive and time-consuming. With dental veneers, you can mask all of these issues at a single go.
  • As you get older, your enamel starts wearing away, which reveals the underlying dentin layer and makes your teeth appear yellower. Dental veneers can replace the worn out enamel.

Cons of Dental Veneers

  • Porcelain veneers can be pretty expensive, especially if you’re getting them for several of your teeth. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, porcelain veneers for a single tooth costs approximately $1,313 on average. As such, getting dental veneers for your entire teeth can cost tens of thousands of dollars.
  • Removing the enamel renders your teeth extremely sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. As such, your teeth will be very sensitive for a while after getting dental veneers. This will, however, go away soon.
  • Other than Lumineers, most dental veneers procedures are irreversible. The dentist will have to remove some of your enamel to attach the veneers. As such, you’ll always need veneers, for the rest of your life.

Should I Get Dental Veneers or Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a procedure similar to dental veneers, but with a few key differences. This is a procedure in which a tooth-colored material is bonded to your teeth to enhance their aesthetic appearance. In most cases, dental bonding doesn’t necessitate the removal of your tooth’s enamel. However, dental bonding also doesn’t fix all of the cosmetic issues you may have.

If you only need to make minor adjustments to the color and shade of your teeth or other small adjustments, dental bonding is suitable for you. If you’re resistant to making alterations to your tooth structure, then dental bonding suitable for you. However, if you need to make large changes to the overall appearance of your teeth, then you should go for dental veneers.

One of the Best Dental Veneers Houston, TX

At URBN Dental Uptown , we thoroughly examine your teeth to determine which type of dental veneer procedure is most suitable for you. Based on your expectations and requirements, we prepare the some of the best dental veneers for you that can completely transform your smile. For more information, please schedule a dental veneers appointment in Houston, TX.

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